Editor's Note: Recently VCOA President Josh Rogers attended Mexico's National Vespa Rally. It's kind of like our Amerivespa Rally but with a south of the border twist. Here is Josh's account of Envespamx Encuentro Nacional Vespa Mexico:
Last year I was made aware that the Vespa Club of Mexico was having its national rally in Tijuana. I thought this is a great way for the Vespa Club of America to help promote international scooter rallies. So I made the arrangements to go. I met with about 50 other scooterist at Vespa Motorsport in San Diego for the ride across the border. It took about an hour to ride down. Crossing the famous Coronado Bridge we had a great little ride over. We rode straight to the host hotel Where I tried to checked in. I didn’t plan super well as when I booked the host hotel was sold out. But I got a nice hotel about two blocks away. I got my rally pack and went to my hotel. For about 15 min before I needed to leave to meet up for the first ride. These guys were not messing around. The rides were on time for the most part but it was all police escorted. We left on a short ride to a famous spot for the first of three group photos. Then we zipped off off to Playas De Tijuana. This is where the border of the US and Mexico is. It's a sad and funny place. There is already a wall here going several meters into the ocean. I wondered is it really necessary? As I was talking to Esteban, the President of the Vespa Club of Mexico, we agreed that later we would solve all the world’s problems over some beer. After getting some fresh churro we got back on our bikes and went down the road to a coastal bar where we were given free beer. Whats not to like! I was just standing on the cost thinking this is the life. Scooters, Free beer, coastal breeze. Good friends all of whom I had just met. Then we hopped back on our bikes to take a ride back into Tijuana city to La Tradicion in Plaza Santa Cicilia where we had appetizers and drinks.

They also had an opening ceremony for the event. They asked me to get up say some words then four of us cut a ribbon to dedicate a good rally. Then after a couple of hours we headed to a brewery where we each got a free shot glass full of beer. That was not the end of the night. The rally then headed off to a disco where they played Ska music all night. I was later told that Ska is making a big come back in Mexico. One more reason life in Mexico cant be all bad.

The next day we rode the 104 kilometers to Chateau Camou for wine tasting, tacos, Gymkhana, and cake. The program said it was the piñata 30th anniversary party, It turns out that it was in fact the 30th anniversary of the Tijuana vespa club. It was a great ride down along the coast again the view and the breeze didn't suck. Sadly I had to head home so a bunch of us headed out on our way back to Tijuana. It was less relaxing as we took the freeway the whole way back. My little LX was pinned the whole way but we made it back just as the sun when down.
It was an honor and a privilege to meet the Mexico clubs and to enjoy their rally. I highly encourage you all to take a trip and explore the world on your Vespa.