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To learn more about your coverage please visit our roadside assistance site:

How to Use your Roadside Assistance:


One of the biggest benefits we’ve added to your Vespa Club of America membership is our Roadside Assistance package. With it you are eligible for up to 25 miles of free towing, battery service if you need it, or even an emergency gallon of gas if you run out! It really is a heck of nice a benefit for your $35 membership fees.


This benefit, however, does you no good if you don’t know how to access it. Here is a quick article explaining the two methods you can use if your scooter needs a tow.


Method #1 is to call the roadside provider and give them your information. Let’s go through the steps now as an outline:


  1. Call the roadside provider at: 1 (866) 454-4260

    1. That number is printed on the new VCOA membership cards

    2. You might want to write it down on a piece of duct tape and place it underneath your seat in case you don’t have your card handy.

  2. Give the provider the “Producer Code”

    1. The Producer Code for the VCOA is 14336

    2. The stickers you received from our roadside partner should have the Producer Code on them.

    3. Write it on your duct tape if you don’t have the stickers

  3. Give the provider your VCOA member number

    1. You need to begin with the letters “VCOA” and then your number, for example: VCOA1234

    2. This is something else to write on that duct tape!

  4. Give the address where you need to be picked up.

  5. Wait with your scooter for the tow truck to arrive.


If you don’t have your card or the producer code or the phone number, then go with the second option which is to get towed and apply for reimbursement.


  1. Call the towing provider of your choice

  2. Give the address where you need to be picked up

  3. Wait with your scooter for the tow truck to arrive.

  4. After you receive your bill you can apply for reimbursement

  5. Go to this link:

    1. Select “Towing, Roadside, and Travel Assistance

    2. Fill out the forms you find here to start your claim

  6. You can also call the toll-free number to start you claim

    1. The toll-free number is: 1 (888) 684-9327

  7. If you choose this method it may take a while to process your claim and issue a reimbursement.


Two things to keep in mind:

  • We update our list with our roadside partner at the beginning of each month and it takes them about 30 days to get the new members processed and entered into their system. That means if you join at the beginning of the month it may be almost two months before you receive your roadside packet. During this time it may be easiest to use the second option if you need roadside assistance.

  • You are only eligible for ONE SERVICE (battery, fluid fill, or towing) per 12 month period. The 12 month period begins after a new member is entered into their system.


Please contact if you have any further questions. 

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