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SIP Scootershop donates 7,000 €

We are proud to have a great working relationship with SIP scootershop. We realize that many of our members and avid scooter enthusiasts purchase parts and accessories from SIP and we want to share news about their generous giving in December 2017. SIP donated almost $10,000 USD to charity last month - what an accomplishment!

SIP Scootershop finances therapeutic riding

Now the dozen are full. For the twelfth time in a row, the Landsberg scooter specialist SIP Scootershop proudly handed over € 4,000 to the SOS Children's Village in Landsberg. This year's donation will be used for therapeutic riding, according to SOS Head Angelica Benz (2nd from left), which will help the often severely traumatized children enormously, but is not funded by many youth welfare agencies. Therefore, Angelica Benz was very pleased with the check presented by Ana Hachenberger, Harald Geyer and Boris Bannwitz (from left to right) of the SIP Team and returned with a tour of the SOS Children's Village.

SIP Scootershop donates to the ARCHE

Also this year the company SIP Scootershop GmbH donated an amount of 3.000 € to the ARCHE foundation.

Five employees of the SIP Scootershop company were invited to visit the shared apartment and handed over the check. "As always, we were greeted warmly in the Arche House, a community for mentally retarded people. We talked with a resident and a caregiver, who also told us some information and the history of the community. Then we were led through the house, we were allowed to look at the rooms and the small chapel. Around 16:30 the rest of the residents arrived from work and the talks continued with coffee and cake. Subsequently, the check handover followed with a group photo. We were all very impressed by the coexistence of residents and carers and are happy to support this great project with our donation. "

The SIP Scootershop GmbH is one of the leading mailorder shops for scooter accessories, tuning and spare parts worldwide. Over 300,000 customers from 50 countries, 40,000 different parts in stock and more than 1,000 parcels daily at peak times are just a few examples. SIP Scootershop is a young company with 100 employees.

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