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VCOA Annual Patch: Contest

Image Courtesy of Penni Gladstone

Do you have what it takes to design a new VCOA annual patch? The VCOA is enlisting help from visual artists, graphic designers and just plain creative folks who are interested in creating a new patch for the Vespa Club of America.

We're looking for a simple design, something that can be stacked - wheels, chevrons etc. The idea is about a 1" or so embroidered patch that can be placed on a jacket or other item such as a messenger bag, backpack etc.

So, let's see what you've got - email your concept no later than 01/10/2018 to with the subject of your email being, "Annual Patch Design Concept."

Besides your design living on through the club for many years to come, and bragging rights, there is more in it for you! The final design chosen by the Vespa Club of America board and Officers will be handsomely rewarded with VCOA swag.

Image used is courtesy of Penni Gladstone, VCOA Member & VCOA Contributor

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