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The Piaggio Group recently introduced GITA and KILO – two “autonomous, intelligent” cargo vehicles that represent the first projects developed by Piaggio Fast Forward (PFF), an advanced research center the manufacturer established in 2015 in Boston, just a stone's throw from Harvard and the MIT.

Piaggio says PFF was developed to create lightweight, intelligent and autonomous mobility solutions for people and goods – “autonomy in the service of humans.”

As a result, GITA and KILO, seemingly more robot than vehicle, are meant to assist people in their activities when out and about on a daily basis, expanding the limited load capacities of human beings. Designed as a platform for mobility, and customizable to meet different needs in multiple scenarios, these mobility-enhancing creations can follow a person and move autonomously in a mapped environment.

GITA can transport up to 40 lbs. and reach speeds of 22 mph. The three-wheeled KILO is considered GITA’s “big brother,” and can carry up to 250 lbs. in its 4.2-cu.ft. load area.

There’s a great article about PFF on WIRED. Click here:

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