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Meet S.I.P. at Amerivespa

Our friends from across the pond will be joining us at Amerivespa Seattle! Please help us welcome our friends, Moritz and Sebastian this year as they've traveled far and wide to make it over to our great American rally!

Along with sponsoring Amerivespa, S.I.P. is joining our rally in person and bringing plenty of goodies. Their new updated catalog will be in tow as well!

While it's great to have S.I.P. make it a priority to attend rallies around the world, we also wanted to share this post with you, so you can see what the great people at S.I.P. do for our communities as well:

Why are some people dwelling in poverty while we are so well off? famine, homelessness or floods while we have everything that we need. We, the staff at SIP Scootershop, got a job that we really like, we got enough leisure time to work on our scooters and there is even enough money left over for a pizza and a beer all the time. We were all deeply affected by pictures of the tsunami in Asia at the beginning of 2005 so we spontaneously decided to donate some money. This was the moment when the idea of "SIP-Aid“ was born.

What is it all about? We are willing to donate a part of our earnings to charitable organizations and invite you to participate.

Donation Projects since 1994

Our success makes us happy and has created more than 20 secure jobs. We would gladly share our good fortune with those who are in dire need of it. Here at SIP Scootershop this has always been a matter of course. On this page you can find a few highlights from the past, small gestures of help which we have been able to offer on behalf our customers and all scooterists. We would like to thank you, because you, as customers, are helping us to help.

To learn more about S.I.P.-Aid please click HERE.

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