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Membership Program Update

Hi all! We are here to give you a brief update on the pins. We are working diligently to assemble our membership packets for all of you who have renewed under the new program. We (finally) have a tracking number from our third party vendor who produced the pins for us, and we believe that we should have them within the next few days. Cross your fingers!

Membership packets will be ready for distribution early next week and will include pins if they're received. If you have an urgent need to receive your packet, please email and we'll gladly get your packet out without the pins ASAP.

In the meantime, we'd like to remind you that we have some very generous and wonderful membership partners offering you great discounts on their products and those codes/deals are available on the 'members only' content page of our website. If you have recently renewed and not yet received the password to access this page, please email us. We have over 15 different membership partners who sell everything from scooter parts to handmade shoes and goggles, you'll love what they have in store for you!

We also have a brand new membership partner, Genuine CoolAss who is offering their "NO PETS" seat cover for just $15 (+$3 shipping and handling for VCOA members.) You may take advantage of this offer on our membership page or by emailing There are three sizes, so please refer to the size guide on our membership page. Genuine CoolAss also offers VCOA members 30% off + free shipping on everyday orders!

Thank you for your continued faith in us, we're glad to be a part of something great with you!

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