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National Vespa Parade Day June 23rd 2018

National Vespa Parade Day 2018

The Vespa Club of America is pleased to announce our National Vespa Parade Day June 23rd 2018 “What is National Vespa Parade Day?” It’s an opportunity for you and other Vespisti to gather, ride, and win! The VCOA wants you to help to promote riding. You don’t need a permit. You don’t need one hundred scooters. You just need three riders to make a parade.

So get out, ride, and wave to people. Enjoy your scooter and your friends! Enter the National Vespa Parade Day Contest: ●Take a video of your group’s parade. ●Go to Vespa Club of America’s Facebook page and post your video. ●It’s that easy!! While you’re there don’t forget to “Like” and “Follow” our Facebook page. One lucky group will win three (3) free passes to Amerivespa 2019. Check back on our Facebook page June 30th to see if you won.

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